Chapter 7: Heap and Priority Queue
Concept & When to Use
The Heap and Priority Queue pattern is powerful for solving problems that require efficient retrieval of the largest/smallest elements, scheduling tasks, and maintaining dynamic order.
This technique uses:
- A Min Heap (Priority Queue) to efficiently retrieve the smallest elements.
- A Max Heap (simulated using a Min Heap with negated values) to retrieve the largest elements.
- Balancing heaps enables efficient median retrieval and other optimizations.
When to Use Heaps & Priority Queues
✔ Finding the Kth largest/smallest element (e.g., "Kth Largest Element in an Array").
✔ Finding the median of a dynamic data stream (e.g., "Find Median in a Stream").
✔ Handling priority-based tasks (e.g., "Task Scheduler").
✔ Merging multiple sorted streams efficiently (e.g., "Merge K Sorted Lists").
✔ Processing dynamic elements where order matters (e.g., "Meeting Rooms II").
Key Idea
🔹 Min Heap (min-heap
) efficiently retrieves the smallest elements.
🔹 Max Heap (max-heap
) efficiently retrieves the largest elements.
🔹 Insertion & removal take O(log n) due to heap operations.
🔹 Top element retrieval takes O(1), making heaps ideal for priority-based problems.
Grind 75 Problems
The Heap and Priority Queue pattern is essential for solving these Grind 75 problems:
- Kth Largest Element in an Array (LeetCode #215)
- Find Median in a Stream (LeetCode #295)
- Task Scheduler (LeetCode #621)
Below, we explore these problems, different solution approaches, and trade-offs.
Solutions & Trade-offs
1. Kth Largest Element in an Array
💡 Problem: Given an unsorted array, find the Kth largest element.
Brute-Force Approach (Sorting) – O(n log n) Time, O(1) Space
- Sort the array and return
largest element).
Python Implementation (Sorting)
def findKthLargest(nums: list[int], k: int) -> int:
return nums[-k]
✅ Simple, but inefficient for large datasets due to sorting (O(n log n)).
Optimized Approach (Min Heap) – O(n log k) Time, O(k) Space
- Use a Min Heap of size
to track the topk
largest elements. - After iterating, the heap's root is the Kth largest element.
Python Implementation (Min Heap)
import heapq
def findKthLargest(nums: list[int], k: int) -> int:
min_heap = []
for num in nums:
heapq.heappush(min_heap, num)
if len(min_heap) > k:
heapq.heappop(min_heap) # Remove smallest element
return min_heap[0]
🚀 Trade-offs:
- O(n log k) time complexity, faster than sorting for large
. - O(k) space complexity, since we store only
2. Find Median in a Stream
💡 Problem: Design a data structure that supports:
addNum(int num)
: Inserts a number into the data stream.findMedian()
: Returns the median of all elements so far.
Brute-Force Approach (Sorting) – O(n log n) Time, O(n) Space
- Store all numbers in a list and sort on every insertion.
Python Implementation (Sorting)
class MedianFinder:
def __init__(self): = []
def addNum(self, num: int) -> None:
def findMedian(self) -> float:
n = len(
if n % 2 == 1:
return[n // 2]
return ([n // 2 - 1] +[n // 2]) / 2
✅ Simple, but inefficient due to sorting on every insert (O(n log n)).
Optimized Approach (Two Heaps) – O(log n) Insert, O(1) Find Median
- Use a Max Heap for the lower half of numbers.
- Use a Min Heap for the upper half.
- Balance the two heaps to ensure correct median retrieval.
Python Implementation (Two Heaps)
import heapq
class MedianFinder:
def __init__(self):
self.small = [] # Max Heap (store negative values)
self.large = [] # Min Heap
def addNum(self, num: int) -> None:
heapq.heappush(self.small, -num)
heapq.heappush(self.large, -heapq.heappop(self.small))
if len(self.small) < len(self.large):
heapq.heappush(self.small, -heapq.heappop(self.large))
def findMedian(self) -> float:
if len(self.small) > len(self.large):
return -self.small[0]
return (-self.small[0] + self.large[0]) / 2
🚀 Trade-offs:
- O(log n) insertion vs. O(n log n) sorting.
- O(1) median retrieval vs. O(n) median retrieval in sorting.
- Extra space for two heaps (O(n)), but avoids frequent sorting.
3. Task Scheduler
💡 Problem: Given an array of tasks and a cooling interval n
, find the minimum time required to execute all tasks, ensuring that the same task is scheduled only after n
Brute-Force Approach (Sorting & Simulation) – O(n log n) Time, O(n) Space
- Sort tasks by frequency and process in order.
- Insert idle slots manually to maintain the cooling period.
Python Implementation (Sorting)
from collections import Counter
def leastInterval(tasks: list[str], n: int) -> int:
freq = list(Counter(tasks).values())
max_freq = freq[0]
idle_time = (max_freq - 1) * n
for f in freq[1:]:
idle_time -= min(max_freq - 1, f)
idle_time = max(0, idle_time)
return len(tasks) + idle_time
✅ Works but inefficient due to sorting (O(n log n)).
Optimized Approach (Max Heap) – O(n log k) Time, O(n) Space
- Use a Max Heap to always process the most frequent tasks first.
- Use a queue to track cooldown periods for tasks.
Python Implementation (Heap)
import heapq
from collections import Counter, deque
def leastInterval(tasks: list[str], n: int) -> int:
freq_map = Counter(tasks)
max_heap = [-f for f in freq_map.values()]
queue = deque()
time = 0
while max_heap or queue:
time += 1
if max_heap:
count = 1 + heapq.heappop(max_heap)
if count:
queue.append((count, time + n))
if queue and queue[0][1] == time:
heapq.heappush(max_heap, queue.popleft()[0])
return time
🚀 Trade-offs:
- O(n log k) is better than O(n log n) sorting.
- Max Heap ensures efficient task execution.
- Uses extra space for heap & queue.
Key Takeaways
✅ Heaps and Priority Queues provide efficient ways to solve order-based problems.
✅ Heap operations (O(log n)) are often better than sorting (O(n log n)).
✅ Min Heaps retrieve smallest elements efficiently, Max Heaps retrieve largest elements efficiently.
✅ Use heaps for priority scheduling, median retrieval, and Kth largest/smallest problems.
By mastering Heap and Priority Queue, you'll solve scheduling, median-finding, and priority problems efficiently! 🚀