Chapter 8: Tree Traversal (BFS & DFS)

Chapter 8: Tree Traversal (BFS & DFS)

Concept & When to Use

Tree traversal is a fundamental technique in binary trees and graphs, used to explore nodes in a structured manner. There are two primary traversal methods:

  1. Breadth-First Search (BFS) – Explores all nodes at the same depth before moving deeper.
  2. Depth-First Search (DFS) – Explores as deep as possible before backtracking.

These approaches help solve problems related to tree structure, hierarchy, and relationships efficiently.

When to Use BFS vs. DFS

CriteriaBFS (Level Order Traversal)DFS (Preorder, Inorder, Postorder)
When to use?Finding shortest path, level-wise traversalFinding ancestors, validating BST, path-finding
Space ComplexityO(N) (queue holds all nodes at a level)O(H) (stack holds recursion depth, H=height)
Best forProblems needing level-wise relationshipsProblems requiring full tree exploration
Iterative Implementation?Uses a queue (FIFO)Uses a stack (LIFO) or recursion

Grind 75 Problems

The Tree Traversal pattern is crucial for solving the following Grind 75 problems:

  1. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (BFS)
  2. Lowest Common Ancestor (DFS)
  3. Validate Binary Search Tree (DFS)

We explore different solutions and trade-offs for these problems.

Solutions & Trade-offs

1. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (BFS)

💡 Problem: Given a binary tree, return its level-order traversal (left to right, level by level).

Approach: BFS (Queue) – O(N) Time, O(N) Space

  • Use a queue (FIFO) to process nodes level by level.
  • Maintain a list of nodes for each level.

Python Implementation (BFS)

from collections import deque

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
        self.val = val
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

def levelOrder(root: TreeNode) -> list[list[int]]:
    if not root:
        return []

    result, queue = [], deque([root])

    while queue:
        level = []
        for _ in range(len(queue)):  # Process all nodes at the current level
            node = queue.popleft()
            if node.left:
            if node.right:


    return result


  • O(N) time complexity (each node is visited once).
  • O(N) space complexity (stores all nodes at the deepest level).
  • BFS ensures level-wise traversal, but uses more memory than DFS.

2. Lowest Common Ancestor (DFS)

💡 Problem: Given a binary tree and two nodes p and q, find their Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA).

Approach: DFS (Recursive) – O(N) Time, O(H) Space

  • Traverse the tree using DFS until p or q is found.
  • If a node is an ancestor of both p and q, return it as the LCA.

Python Implementation (DFS)

def lowestCommonAncestor(root: TreeNode, p: TreeNode, q: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
    if not root or root == p or root == q:
        return root  # Found p or q, return current node

    left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q)
    right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q)

    if left and right:
        return root  # This is the LCA

    return left if left else right  # Return non-null subtree


  • O(N) time complexity (DFS visits each node once).
  • O(H) space complexity (recursive stack depth is the tree height).
  • Recursive DFS is elegant, but may cause stack overflow in deep trees.

3. Validate Binary Search Tree (DFS)

💡 Problem: Given a binary tree, determine if it is a valid Binary Search Tree (BST).

Approach: DFS (Inorder Traversal) – O(N) Time, O(H) Space

  • Perform an inorder traversal (left → root → right).
  • Ensure values are strictly increasing.

Python Implementation (DFS)

def isValidBST(root: TreeNode) -> bool:
    def inorder(node, lower=float('-inf'), upper=float('inf')):
        if not node:
            return True

        if node.val <= lower or node.val >= upper:
            return False  # Violates BST property

        return inorder(node.left, lower, node.val) and inorder(node.right, node.val, upper)

    return inorder(root)


  • O(N) time complexity (visits each node once).
  • O(H) space complexity (recursive depth depends on tree height).
  • DFS is memory-efficient for balanced trees but can cause stack overflows in skewed trees.

BFS vs. DFS: Which One to Use?

ScenarioUse BFS (Queue)Use DFS (Stack/Recursion)
Level-wise traversal required?✅ Yes❌ No
Searching for shortest path?✅ Yes (e.g., unweighted graphs)❌ No
Tree structure validation (BST)?❌ No✅ Yes (inorder traversal)
Tree depth-related problems?❌ No✅ Yes (finding ancestors, recursion)
Memory constraints?❌ More memory✅ Less memory in balanced trees

Key Takeaways

BFS (Queue) is best for level-wise traversal and shortest paths.

DFS (Recursion/Stack) is efficient for ancestor, validation, and search problems.

Iterative solutions avoid recursion depth limits but may be harder to implement.

DFS (Inorder) is ideal for checking BST validity.

Mastering BFS & DFS will help you efficiently traverse trees and solve search, validation, and relationship-based problems! 🚀